Neck Pain Doctor Lanham, MD

Neck Pain Doctor Lanham, MD

At AmeriWell Clinics, a neck pain doctor Lanham, MD residents trust knows that the chiropractic approach can help alleviate serious neck pain and discomfort. Chiropractics is a popular form of treatment that is non-invasive, and does not include the use of heavy prescription medications. People who are experiencing significant neck pain may have trouble going about their daily life as they so please. They may have trouble sitting for long periods of time, have to skip out on physical activities they used to enjoy, and feel more irritable on a daily basis because the pain won’t relent.

Trust us when we say that through chiropractic care, your neck pain will not only decrease, but we can address the true source of your pain so your body can heal. If you would like to hear more, don’t hesitate to call AmeriWell Clinics today!

How Chiropractors Treats Neck Pain

A chiropractor uses hands or a small tool to adjust the spinal column and other joints. By doing this, it gently coaxes the body into proper alignment, encouraging the body to heal itself while reducing pain, inflammation, and redness. The intention of chiropractic adjustments is to loosen joints that have not been moving smoothly due to scarring or tissue damage, which are often a result of repetitive stress, trauma, and/or poor posture.

For neck pain in particular, a neck pain doctor in Lanham, Maryland will likely use a method called cervical manipulation. This reduces pain that may be caused by muscle spasms and pinched nerves. Your chiropractor will assess the damage and inquire about your medical history before performing any treatment.

Where Neck Pain Stems From

Your neck acts as a bridge between your torso and head, enabling your head to move around and back and forth. The neck consists of seven vertebrae and gets support by the nearby ligaments and muscles. Neck pain occurs when these areas of the neck get inflamed and irritated. Neck pain may start off as minor and eventually increase overtime into a chronic problem. We suggest coming in as soon as your neck starts to bother you, to prevent further damage from happening. Common symptoms of neck pain include the following:

  • Sharp or stabbing pain
  • Soreness and tenderness
  • Pain that radiates from neck to shoulders, arms, and fingers
  • Stiff neck with decreased range of motion

Regardless of how often you experience neck pain, we may suggest coming in for an adjustment as a preventative measure. Many of our patients get addicted to how great they feel after an adjustment. Chiropractic care doesn’t just have to be a tool in response to pain, it can be used as a way to ward off injury and keep the body healthy.

What about Whiplash?

Whiplash is one of the most common causes of neck and back pain, but the right neck pain doctor in Lanham, Maryland can help. There are many causes of whiplash, and whiplash takes many forms. It’s important to get proper and immediate care for any neck or back injury, but after your initial treatment you’ll need to work through the process of getting back to 100%.

Whiplash can cause your quality of life to nosedive, and despite its relatively minor beginnings, it can get worse and worse until you’re barely able to move your back and neck. If you’ve experienced whiplash, read on to see how the team at AmeriWell Clinics can help you get through your pain.

What Causes Whiplash?

The human neck wasn’t meant to move back and forth too quickly. When it does, that’s when we get whiplash. Car accidents are a common cause of whiplash: Imagine you’re sitting at a red light and you get rear-ended. While the accident itself may be minor, if your neck (and shoulders, and spine) gets whipped back and forth too quickly and suddenly, you’ll probably be dealing with that pain for days, weeks, or months.

It’s important to remember that car accidents aren’t the only cases in which people experience whiplash. Whiplash is caused by that rapid back-and-forth motion, and it can happen anywhere. Rollercoasters? Whiplash. “Touch” football getting a little too touchy? Whiplash. Mosh pit at the Metallica show? Whiplash. It can happen in more ways than you’d expect, and it always circles back to needing a neck pain doctor.

What are the Symptoms of Whiplash?

While the causes of whiplash vary, the symptoms are usually pretty consistent across individual cases. One of the most obvious signs of whiplash is neck pain. You may experience some stiffness as well. While it seems like a no-brainer, depending on how you experienced whiplash, you may not even notice the neck pain until days later. Sometimes a car accident is more jarring or frightening than painful, and our bodies go numb from adrenaline. The same applies to extreme sports, concerts, or roller coasters: Our adrenaline dulls the initial pain, and it’s only until much later do we notice that our necks hurt.

Along with that neck pain, you may also experience headaches and a loss of motion. There may also be a pain or tenderness that spreads from your neck to your shoulders and upper back. These are all red flags, so you should get in touch with a neck pain doctor in Lanham, MD, as soon as possible.

What Can a Neck Pain Doctor do for Me?

The right neck pain doctor can help you address your whiplash pain and get you back to 100%. It can be a lengthy process, so it’s important to get in touch with a specialist you can trust. When you experience whiplash, it warrants a thorough examination from an experienced doctor. Your medical professional will take time to talk to you about your injury and find out the limits to your motion, and then he or she will work with you to develop a recovery plan that works best for both of you.

The team at AmeriWell Clinics is ready to help. If you’ve experienced whiplash, get in touch with us today to see how a neck pain doctor in Lanham, MD can ease your pain.

Myths About Neck Pain

Neck pain is one of the most common conditions we treat. Whether you have poor posture, utilize the wrong lifting techniques, or have been in an accident, neck pain can occur. You might know you need a neck pain doctor in Lanham, MD, but you might also wonder if anything you’ve been reading is not true. The following are some common myths about neck pain so you can make an educated decision about the steps you should take for treatment.

Neck Pain Is Normal and Part of the Aging Process

As a person ages, they might assume their aches and pains are normal. This results in a failure to get help. While it is normal, and okay, to have basic aches and pains, especially with age, it doesn’t mean they cannot be treated. Nor does it mean they are there just because you are getting older. It is recommended that you see a neck pain doctor for help with any of these discomforts.

Poor Posture Cannot Be Corrected

You might feel that you have poor posture and cannot do anything about it. Posture can slowly change through vertebral shifts and changes in soft tissues. Even when this happens, it is possible to readjust your posture through spinal alignments, and lifestyle changes.

Rest is a Cure for Neck Pain

Rest certainly aids in recovery times and healing. It does help to alleviate aches and pains, but too much can be detrimental. If you remain in a sedentary lifestyle, or fail to move around, your body can actually get stiff. This is particularly true when you are sitting, sleeping, or resting on a mattress or couch with very little support. As a neck pain doctor in Lanham, MD might tell you, you should move around even while you have neck pain.

Only Laborious Jobs Can Cause Neck Pain

Manual labor can cause neck pain; however, people working in these industries are not the only ones susceptible to this discomfort. Office workers are also prone to acute and chronic neck pain. Failure to have computer screens at eye level, working from a cell phone, slouching in a chair, or poor posture can cause neck pain.

Neck Pain is Hereditary

In general, neck pain and conditions of the neck is not related to genetics. Even if your parents or grandparents had neck pain, you should not assume that your own neck pain is hereditary and cannot be treated. Talk with our neck pain doctor to find out how we can treat you. Call AmeriWell Clinics today for a consultation and appointment.

Managing Neck Pain with Chiropractic Treatment

At least 10 million Americans suffer from neck pain. For many people, the pain is so intense that they cannot perform their day to day activities. If you are one of these people, and you are ready to eliminate your pain, call a neck pain doctor in Lanham, MD.

For years, AmeriWell Clinics have been helping men and women find relief from chronic or acute neck pain. If you are suffering from stiffness, pain, inflammation, or tingling in the neck, call AmeriWell Clinics for a consultation and appointment.

Contact AmeriWell Clinics Today

If you have neck pain and are looking for a more holistic and natural way to treat the problem, then we suggest giving us a try. Call AmeriWell Clinics today to reserve your appointment with a Maryland neck pain doctor in Lanham as soon as possible!