Pain Management & Wellness Scholarship

Pain Management & Wellness Scholarship

The family of doctors and staff at AmeriWell chiropractic, physical therapy, and rehabilitation clinics, know about treating pain and helping people to achieve their optimal wellness. Our chiropractors develop individualized approaches to help relieve and eliminate their patients’ pain. Our doctors and staff come up with plans to help their patients to be healthier than they were before the problem/s they came in for occurred. When we know that people are feeling better and are in less or no pain, we feel good about the kind of work we do.

The AmeriWell family knows the importance of access to education for people who want to help people with pain management and to achieve wellness. We value being able to do the jobs we do and it gives us great satisfaction to hear and see that our patients are feeling better without the use of potentially harmful drugs or invasive surgeries.

For this, we have created the Ameriwell, Pain Management & Wellness Scholarship, to support the education of a student who has goals to help people with pain management and wellness. We know there are many different fields that people can work in order to devote themselves to alleviating pain and helping people to achieve their optimal health and wellness. We welcome students from any discipline that is giving them a path to follow to achieve their goals of helping people to feel better.


Answer the following questions in an essay of 1,000 words or less:

  • What inspired you to want to help people who are in pain?
  • In what ways have you already demonstrated your commitment to helping people in pain and to helping them achieve their optimal wellness?
  • How has your commitment to helping people who are in pain, informed your education goals?
  • What kind of career do you plan to do have or work do you plan to do, that will allow you to help people who are in pain and to help them achieve their optimal wellness in the future?

Submission Deadline:
September 1, 2021

Award Announcement:
October 2021

Scholarship Amount:


Eligibility Criteria

  • This scholarship is open to any student who is currently enrolled in an accredited undergraduate, graduate, or professional program in the United States. This includes accredited community college students as well as high school seniors and students who possess a GED who have been accepted to or are enrolled in an accredited program.
  • In their essay, the scholarship applicant must be able to demonstrate their commitment to pursue their goals of helping people with pain management and wellness.
  • All eligible candidates must be in good academic standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above.

Application Materials & Instructions

  • Updated resume
  • Essay, 1,000-word maximum. See essay prompt and questions above.
  • Current unofficial transcript

Scholarship applicants must submit all application materials by email, by September 1, 2022, to:

[email protected]

If you have questions, please email the above address.