Different Types of Physical Therapy Part Two
Don’t let the reality that Falls Church, VA physical therapy, such as from AmeriWell Clinics, might be your best friend hit you too late. Routine physical therapy sessions are cheaper than seeing a surgeon, and they’ve improved many mobility and health-related or injury-related ailments at a fraction of the price. Not to mention, the longer you wait to schedule a physical therapy appointment, the longer your recovery time and the worse your issues become. Thankfully, a physical therapist near you is easily accessible and ready to work with you.
You may know physical therapists as PTs or physiotherapists. Due to the latter name, “physiotherapy” is another name for physical therapy. And it might be helpful to look up local physiotherapy offices nearby. So you may want to look it up under that name, too, if you’d like to schedule an appointment, which you can schedule with AmeriWell Clinics. Before making an appointment, you’d probably like to know a few things. Like, what are the different types of physical therapy and which one (or ones) do you need?
In this blog, we’ll cover two main types of physiotherapy: neurological physical therapy, age-related physical therapy.
Physical Therapy for Neurological Conditions
Neurology is the study of disorders that affect your nerves and nervous system. Neurologists analyze the anatomy and functions of your nervous system. Your nervous system enables all of our body parts to work in unison by communicating with one another through electric and chemical reactors. It should come as no surprise that physical therapists can address your neurological-related ailments because they are trained to analyze any issues that affect bodily movement.
PTs who work with clients who have a traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, or cerebral palsy help you adjust to your restricted able-bodiedness (disability). Although physical therapy won’t cure your condition, regular sessions make it more manageable. You are likely to see improvement in your balance and grip. There may even be improvement in your muscle loss.
A neurologist can help you, but they probably won’t be as equipped as a PT to give expert opinion on which stretches and exercises are best for you. However, a PT trained in neurology physical therapy can diagnose you and create an exercise plan tailored to your unique case. In other words, you are likely to get more benefits from physical therapy for neurological conditions than you would if you only saw a neurologist and not a physical therapist.
Physical Therapy for Age-Related Conditions
As we get older, our bones and muscles weaken. We become prone to injuries and stiffness. Our posture sours, and we may develop “humpbacks.” Fortunately, there are muscle-building and body-strengthening exercises that can reverse the issues that come with age to some degree. Results will vary, but the sooner you get started, the better.
If you’re uncertain of which physical therapy you need, consult with a specialist from AmeriWell Clinics.