Heat Therapy Chiropractic Treatment Silver Spring, MD

Heat Therapy Chiropractic Treatment Silver Spring, MD

Chiropractic treatments are one of the most popular forms of alternative medicine. Patients appreciated that these treatments work, but are non-invasive and natural, unlike so many other types of treatments offered in traditional medicine. At AmeriWell Clinics, our Maryland chiropractors offer treatments that involve manual manipulation, massage, and spinal adjustments. However, there are also other forms of treatments that can be supplemental to those just listed. One of the most common is heat therapy chiropractic treatment Silver Spring, MD patients recommend.

Whether heat therapy becomes part of a patient’s chiropractic treatments depends on the patient’s condition, as well as their medical history. Heat therapy has been around for centuries and is used for treatments for a variety of ailments, from muscle strains to the common cold.

How It Works

When an area of the body is injured, there is often a decrease in blood flow, which slows down or prevents healing. Applying heat to the area opens the blood vessels up, allowing blood to flow freely again. This helps to promote healing and alleviate the pain the patient may be dealing with. One of the benefits of heat therapy is that the patient can also apply heat to the area at home, as well as receive it during their regular chiropractic treatments.

Silver Springs MD heat therapy chiropractic treatment can take on a number of forms, again, depending on the patient’s condition. Whatever type of therapy a chiropractor decides to use, the goal and purpose of heat therapy is to provide a pain-free treatment that will enhance the patient’s blood flow, warm up tissue prior to other treatment, and speed up the patient’s recovery time. Heat therapy also helps reduce pain, including pain that is chronic or pain that develops from exercising. It can also help improve the patient’s mobility.

A chiropractor Silver Spring, MD patients trust may use infrared lamps for heat therapy, others may use moist hot packs. A patient may also be treated with whirlpool heat therapy. A heating pad is one of the most common types of heat therapy. It is done by incorporating dry heat into the affected area. It is also can be used at home, however, patients need to be careful so they do not burn their skin. It is recommended that there always be protective padding or buffer between the skin and the heating pad.

Whirlpool treatments are another form of heat therapy. These treatments involve pushing the muscles back against the warm water as it is being agitated. This agitation massages the muscles. It is critical that the water in the whirlpool not be hotter than 102 degrees since sensitivity to heat can cause the patient to experience nausea or dizziness. Hotter temperatures also pose a high risk of being burnt.

One of the great benefits of whirlpool treatments is that it provides a way to help the patient avoid putting weight on the injured area during treatment, which increases the comfort of the patient during his or her treatments overall.

To learn more about heat therapy chiropractic treatment in Silver Spring, MD, call AmeriWell Clinics to find out how we can help you with your chronic pain and injury.