Physical Therapy Treatments

Physical Therapy Treatments

Let’s face it, we live in a fast-paced society. So many of us feel like we are on the go all the time. If it is not work, it is time for family or social outings. Busy schedules have a way of creating stress on the mind and the body. As a result, many people experience chronic aches and pains or even acute injury. While there are many forms of treatment available, physical therapy interventions have become one of the leading choices in primary and adjunctive therapy options. AmeriWell Clinics utilizes body manipulation and a variety of exercises in order to help the individual get back to normal functioning as quickly as possible. If you would like to learn more how a Takoma Park, Maryland physical therapist can help you, call our office today.

Treatment of Injury

In the case of ligament or tendon injury, many clients seek physical therapy versus surgery. Very often, the body is able to heal itself with proper exercise and stretching techniques. The first step is scheduling a consultation during which time the individual will be assessed and diagnosed. The therapist will then create a customized physical therapy treatment plan.

AmeriWell Clinics strongly believes in the client’s input with the plan and will modify as necessary along the way. Additionally, we understand that the terminology can be overwhelming and confusing. We will make every effort to answer questions and explain the process and what to expect throughout treatment.

Treatment of Chronic Pain

Unfortunately, chronic pain is a common issue for many. The causes vary and range from life stressors to medical diagnoses. Some examples are:

  • Repetitive strain injury- often associated with doing the same motion over and over such as with work-related tasks.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Age-related aches and pains
  • Migraines
  • Stress-related aches and pains

Varied Techniques

Manipulations: Joint rotation and massage. When treating an injury, it often helps to manipulate the area with joint rotation and/or massage. In doing so, one will likely experience a decrease in pain and an increase in his or her range of motion

Exercises: A variety of different exercises may be prescribed by the Takoma Park, MD physical therapist. In strengthening and balancing the body, especially the affected area, the soft tissues are likely able to heal faster.

Reduction in Need for Pharmaceuticals

It is common for individuals to turn to medication in response to pain. This may vary from over-the-counter pain relief to heavier, possibly addictive, pharmaceuticals. For some, there is an alternative. In fact, when pain is met head-on with interventions such as physical therapy, the body is allowed to heal naturally therefore reducing or even eliminating the pain. As a result, the need for pain medication may decrease.

Avoid Surgery

Many injuries can be treated by a Takoma Park, MD physical therapist rather than surgery. This is especially true with soft-tissue strains and tears such as ligament, muscle and tendon injuries. However, it is important to seek treatment as soon as the pain begins or the injury occurs. If one waits too long, the original cause may be exacerbated which will increase the time it takes to heal and may ultimately lead to surgical intervention.

Contact AmeriWell Clinics today and begin the journey to a pain-free life. We encourage you to set up a consultation with a physical therapist Takoma Park, MD patients recommend in order to be more comfortable and productive in your everyday activities.

Client Review

“Amy is very nice and professional. She is amazing in what she does she helps me a lot and welcomes me to the clinic with a smile. I recommend this clinic it is very clean and the staff and doctors are great.”
Lidya biadgilign